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Board for the Advancement of Women

The Board for the Advancement of Women was established pursuant to Decision 585/ QD - DHLH dated on September 1, 2012 signed by Rector Dr. Do Huu Tai.

Function: Assisting the Rector to handle issues related to the advancement of women in the University.


- Acting as a counseling unit to help the University Management Board promote gender equality in building and implementing annual policies and plans of the University; constructing and deploying action plans for the advancement of women; supporting the Rector in assessing women's activities and reporting to the University yearly.

-Organizing propaganda activities in order to promote gender awareness of regulations and policies of the State for women (such as Law on Gender Equality, Law on Prevention of domestic violence,...) and of Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women.

- Assisting the Rector to supervise and speed up implementation of the Party policies and the State laws for women workforce in the University, action plans for the advancement of women.

- Implementing and deploying activities for the advancement of women; plans instructed by the superior Board for the Advancement of Women and coordinating with the University's Board of Women in performing activities.

- Regularly supervising the implementation of law and policies for women labor and action plans for the advancement of women in the school. Proposing solutions to address issues related to gender inequality and reinforce women's competence.

- Holding an annual closing ceremony to evaluate the operation and results of implementing targets of action plans for the advancement of women, proposing to the Rector individuals or collectives with excellent achievements in activities for the advancement of women.

Management Board

Diệp Cẩm Thu

  • DSc. Diep Cam Thu
  • Head of the Board

  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
  • Email:
  • © 2023 Lac Hong University
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