
Lac Hong University  »  Focus on  »  Faculties

Mechatronics and Electronics

Historical background

- The Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications was established in September 1997.

- The Faculty of Mechatronics was established in September 1999.

- The Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications merged with the Faculty of Information Technology and renamed the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science in September 2002.

- The Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science was splitted into the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the Faculty of Information Technology in September 2006.

- On September 1, 2013 The Faculty of Mechatronics and Electronics was established pursuant to Decision No. 824/QD - DHLH signed by the Rector, based on the emergence of Faculty of Mechatronics and Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

In 25 years of foundation and development, Faculty of Mechatronics - Electronics has been recognized as a training unit with strengths in scientific research, technology transfer and domestic and international competitions such as Robocon, Techshow, Shell Eco – marathon ASIA, Eco Mileage Challenge,.... In addition, it is a reliable partner of domestic and foreign enterprises, training and research units such as Honda, EVN, Nec/Tokin, Siemens, SYM, Ree Corporation,....

Faculty members and staff of Mechatronics and Electronics

The Faculty consists of more than 30 faculty members and one training adviser Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Phuong. The Faculty includes 13 specialized laboratories, one robot technology center, one key experiment center equipped with modern facilities, serving its scientific research and technology transfer needs.

Faculty of Mechatronics - Electronics has strengths in training engineers of these majors:

1. Mechatronics Engineering Technology

2. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology

3. Automation and Control Engineering Technology

4. Automotive Engineering Technology

  • With outstanding achievements gained in training, research activities, technology transfer and especially in ABU Asia Pacific Robot Contest, the Faculty of Mechatronics - Electronics was honored to received two third- class Labor Medals, three certificates of merit by the Prime Minister, many certificates of merit of the State, the Party, the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Science and Technology and by Dong Nai provincial People’s Committee.


 Faculty Management Board

TS. Phạm Văn Toản

  • DSc. Pham Van Toan 
  • Dean

TS. Lê Hoàng Anh

  • MSc. Le Hoang Anh
  • Vice Dean  


  • ​​​​Contact Information  
  • Office: Room I2O6 - Campus 6 - Center of Scientific Research and Applications
  • Tel: (+84)2513.951.937 - (+84)2513.952255
  • Email: codien@lhu.edu.vn
  • Website: https://eem.lhu.edu.vn/

  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
  • Email: lachong@lhu.edu.vn
  • © 2023 Lac Hong University
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