Science curiculum vitae personally

Faculty of Mechatronics and Electronics  »  Science curiculum vitae personally

MSc. Ngo Thanh Binh


Education – degree, discipline, institution, year

  • Masters of Engineering Degree, Electricity Engineering, University of Technical Lac Hong, Vietnam, 2017.
  • Bachelor of Engineering Degree, Electricity  Engineering, University of Lac Hong, Vietnam, 2012.

Academic experience – institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate), when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time

  • Lecturer, Faculty of Mechatronics and Electronics, Lac Hong University, 2012–Present, full time.

Non-academic experience – company or entity, title, brief description of position, when (ex. 1993-1999), full time or part time

  • Director at Quyet Thang. Co, .ltd Production and automation company 2016

Certifications or professional registrations

  • Certificate of scientific research of LHU in 2014 and 2015.
  • Pedagogical certificate of 2015
  • Certification of robotic Build-it 2017

Current membership in professional organizations

  • Faculty of Mechatronics and Electronics, Lac Hong University.

Honors and awards

  • Achieved the second prize of scientific and technical creativity Dong Nai Province, Vietnam, 2018.
  • Achieved the second prize of Vietnamese Scientific and Technological, 2015 and 2016.
  • Awarded the Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 2015.
  • Achieved the second and third prize of scientific and technical creativity Dong Nai Province, Vietnam, 2014.
  • Achieved the first and prize of scientific and technical creativity Dong Nai Province, Vietnam, 2012.
  • Award of "Dong Nai Science and Technology Encouragement Prize 2017",
  • Award of the "Dong Nai Science and Technology Third Prize 2018",

Service activities (within and outside of the institution)

  • The jury member of the creative solutions contests for teenagers, Dong Nai province, 2017, 2018, and 2019.

Briefly list the most important publications and presentations from the past five years – title, co-authors if any, where published and/or presented, date of publication or presentation

  • Ngo Thanh Binh, Pham Van Toan, "Design and manufacture of automatic plastic hook assembly machines" Vietnam Mechanical Journal, 2014, page 40
  • Ngo Thanh Binh, Pham Van Toan, "Researching, designing and manufacturing machines for arranging details in automatic part" The 7th National Mechatronics Conference, Vietnam, 2014, page 374.
  • Phan Nhuquan, Ngo Thanhbinh, Cao Vantrung, Ngo Kimlong, Do Binhnguyen, Truong Thanhhai and Huynh Minhcanh. “Load Balancing Optimization Based on Tilt Adjusting in LTE Network”, the 8th Vietnam conference on mechatronics, p 90-95, 2016.
  • Phan Nhuquan, Ngo Thanhbinh, Cao Vantrung, Ngo Kimlong, Do Binhnguyen, Truong Thanhhai and Huynh Minhcanh. “Load Balancing Optimization Based on Tilt Adjusting in LTE Network”, the 8th Vietnam conference on mechatronics, p 90-95, 2016.
  • Cao Vantrung, Ngo Thanhbinh, Do Binhnguyen, Huynh Minhcanh, Phan Nhuquan, “Designing and Manufacturing the Remote Control and Monitoring System for Transformer Station in Dongnai Electricity”, the 8th Vietnam conference on mechatronicsp, p65-70, 2016.

Briefly list the most recent professional development activities

Involve in the compilation of the Lessons of Image Processing Application in Industry; Industrial Electrical equipment; Electric Machinery; and English for Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Participate in BUIDIT's and LHU’s courses and seminars on program level accreditation including:

  • Advanced classroom Assessment and Evaluation of student Learning
  • Project based learning-part 2
  • Creating  and maintaining a culture of quality improvement
  • Preparing for a Mock ABET visit: preparation, process, and value
  • In recognition of successful completion of the 3-week intensive Master Teacher Training Program as instructed by multidisciplinary faculty from partnering universities in the BUILD-IT Alliance
  • Data aggregation, display and evaluation workshop
  • Driving Towards Accreditation: Lessons Learned for Successful Engagement of Lectures, Staff and Administrations
  • Industry Advisory Board Development Relationships to Support Program and College Needs Workshop

  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
  • Email:
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