Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance System Overview

1. Introduction

Quality Assurance (QA) plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality of education at higher education institutions, especially in the context of international integration and the need to improve the quality of teaching, research, and services. At Lac Hong University, QA supports the continuous maintenance and improvement of the university's activities, contributing to sustainable development and enhancing the academic reputation of the institution. Notably, the university is implementing a QA system based on AUN-QA (ASEAN University Network - Quality Assurance) standards, aiming to meet ASEAN regional and global standards, thus creating a foundation for achieving international benchmarks in educational and research activities (Quality Manual).

2. Quality Objectives

Quality objectives are specific guidelines aimed at improving teaching effectiveness, research, and student support services at Lac Hong University. These objectives are designed for sustainable development and continuous improvement, including:

  • Enhancing student learning outcomes and the graduation rate that meets the established output standards (Quality Objectives 2021…) (Quality Objectives 2022…).
  • Developing research capabilities among faculty and students, encouraging faculty to participate in doctoral programs and publish scientific papers (Quality Objectives 2021…).
  • Strengthening international partnerships, including student exchange programs and training collaborations with foreign educational institutions (Quality Objectives 2021…).
  • Ensuring 90% of graduates find employment within 12 months after graduation (Quality Objectives 2021…). These objectives are not only aligned with AUN-QA standards but also aim at accreditation standards such as ABET in the field of engineering (Quality Manual).

3. Quality Policies

The quality policies of Lac Hong University guide the teaching and research activities of the institution, ensuring the achievement of long-term strategic development goals. These policies include:

  • Providing the best learning conditions for students with modern facilities and advanced training programs (Quality Policies).
  • Regularly updating and adjusting the training programs based on feedback from students, faculty, and stakeholders to meet labor market needs (Quality Policies).
  • Ensuring transparency of quality standards, raising awareness among faculty, staff, and students about the importance of implementing QA in teaching and research activities (Quality Policies).
  • Promoting international collaboration with universities and educational organizations in the region and around the world, supporting the integration process and improving the university's training quality according to AUN-QA standards.

4. Quality Manual

The Quality Manual is a critical document of the QA system, providing detailed guidelines and regulations for implementing QA processes at Lac Hong University. This manual serves as a management tool, helping the university maintain consistency and effectiveness in carrying out QA-related activities. The main contents of the manual include:

  • Procedures and standards for evaluating training programs, ensuring alignment with educational goals and the practical needs of society (Quality Manual).
  • Regulations for assessing the teaching competency of faculty, evaluating student learning outcomes, and supporting learning activities (Quality Manual).
  • Guidelines for implementing internal self-assessment processes, from data collection to analysis and the proposal of improvement measures (Quality Manual).
  • The role of the Quality Manual in implementing AUN-QA standards is to provide a reference framework for faculties and departments within the university to carry out QA activities in a coordinated and effective manner (Quality Manual).

5. Quality Procedures

The quality procedures at Lac Hong University are designed to ensure continuity and effectiveness in quality management, including steps for establishing, implementing, monitoring, and continuous improvement. Some prominent procedures include:

  • Admissions Procedures: Ensuring that the admission process is conducted fairly and transparently, with the participation of relevant faculties and departments (Quality Manual).
  • Teaching Quality Assessment Procedures: Regularly conducted to evaluate the teaching effectiveness of faculty and student satisfaction levels. Assessment results serve as the basis for improving teaching methods and curriculum (Quality Manual).
  • Self-Assessment and Improvement Procedures: Faculties and departments conduct self-assessment of teaching and research activities, from which improvement measures are proposed to enhance quality.
  • Research Evaluation Procedures: Ensuring that faculty and students involved in scientific research have the opportunity to publish their work in reputable domestic and international journals. This process includes evaluating research projects, monitoring progress, and supporting research projects, ensuring adherence to international standards (Quality Manual)(Quality Policies).
  • Internal Audit and External Evaluation Procedures: To meet accreditation standards such as AUN-QA, the university conducts periodic internal audits, followed by external evaluation teams to assess quality. This ensures transparency and encourages continuous improvement (Quality Manual).
  • Student Support Procedures: Includes academic advising services, job placement, and internship support, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their careers after graduation (Quality Policies).

6. Internal Quality Assurance Systems and External Quality Assurance Systems

Lac Hong University has implemented a comprehensive quality assurance system that encompasses both internal quality assurance (IQA) and external quality assurance (EQA).

Internal Quality Assurance (IQA): The university focuses on self-assessment, internal audits, and gathering feedback from students and faculty. IQA at the university is conducted following the PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act), ensuring that teaching and research activities are continuously monitored and improved (as outlined in the Quality Manual).

External Quality Assurance (EQA): Lac Hong University regularly participates in quality assurance programs aligned with international standards such as AUN-QA and ABET, as well as other reputable accreditation bodies. This not only enhances the university's academic reputation but also affirms the quality of its education and research within the ASEAN region and globally (as outlined in the Quality Manual).

“The university also welcomes feedback from accreditation bodies, international educational partners, and employers to make necessary adjustments and enhance the quality of its programs to meet the demands of society and the job market."

7. Conclusion

The Quality Assurance (QA) system at Lac Hong University has been implemented in a synchronized and effective manner, aiming to enhance comprehensive education quality. Elements such as quality objectives, policies, procedures, and the Quality Manual help the university maintain consistency and continuous improvement. This system not only helps Lac Hong University achieve AUN-QA standards but also establishes a foundation for international outreach, asserting its position in the region and the world. The commitment of faculty, staff, and students to implementing QA will be a key factor in ensuring sustainable quality and delivering long-term value to the education community (Quality Manual)(Quality Policies).


  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
  • Email: lachong@lhu.edu.vn
  • © 2023 Lac Hong University
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